Thursday, April 28, 2005

Raindrops + sunshowers

I love rainy days, if only because they are a relief from the usual gruelling weather, that, and it's great for napping. There were nights where I thought the rain could never stop and when I thought the skies were angry. When I was a kid, I used to cover my ears with my blanket and hide in bed, clutching tightly on to my pillow, trying to dispel my fear with the thought of thunder being just someone throwing cupboards and sofas down a loooong flight of stairs; when an especially loud thunder go off, I imagined it to be grand pianos instead of cupboards. Back in my old place, the electricity wiring didn't used to be so good, that is, in medium intensity rain, short-circuits were a rather common affair. I wasn't really afraid of the dark as a kid (but I did use to think there were skeletons and ashes of random people hiding/hidden under my bed), but blackouts and thunderstorms just didn't spell playtime for me.

But now I sleep peacefully in the rain, listening to the sounds of Moby's Play. Superb rainy day album IMHO.


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